Denizen Script Language Explanations

Language Explanations explain components of Denizen in a more direct and technical way than The Beginner's Guide.

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NameAdvanced Object Matchables
DescriptionScript events have a variety of matchable object inputs, and the range of inputs they accept may not always be obvious.
For example, an event might be "player clicks <block>"... what can "<block>" be filled with?

"<block>" usually indicates that a LocationTag and/or MaterialTag will be matched against.
This means you can specify any valid block material name, like "stone" or "air", like "on player clicks stone:" (will only run the event if the player is clicking stone)
You can also use a catch-all such as "block", like "on player clicks block:" (will always run the event when the player clicks anything/anywhere)
You can also use some more complicated matchables such as "vanilla_tagged:", like "on player clicks vanilla_tagged:mineable/axe:" (will run if the block is mineable with axes)
(For more block-related options, refer to the ObjectType:LocationTag and ObjectType:MaterialTag matchers lists.)

Many object types can be used for matchables, the valid inputs are unique depending on the object type involved.

Some inputs don't refer to any object at all - they're just advanced matchers for some generic plaintext,
for example "<cause>" implies an enumeration of causes will be matched against.

Many inputs support advanced matchers. For details on that, see Language:Advanced Object Matching.

A common matchable type found among different objects is a Flag Matchable. This usually looks like "item_flagged:<flag>"
This matches if the object has the specified flag, and fails to match if the object doesn't have that flag.
You can specify multiple required flags with '|', like "item_flagged:a|b|c", which will match if-and-only-if the item has ALL the flags named.
They can also be used to require the object does NOT have the flag with a "!" like "item_flagged:!<flag>".
When using multiple flags with "|", the "!" is per-entry, so "item_flagged:!a|b" requires the item DOES have 'b' but does NOT have 'a'.

Note also that in addition to events, tags often also have matchables as input params,
usually documented like ".types[<matcher>]", with tag documentation specifying what matcher is used,
or like "<material_matcher>" to indicate in this example specifically MaterialTag matchables are allowed.

Not all object types have defined matchable options, and those that do list them in their ObjectType meta. For an example of this, check ObjectType:ItemTag.

As a special case, "in:<area>" style matchable listings in event conform to the following option set:
"biome:<name>": matches if the location is in a given biome, using advanced matchers.
"cuboid" plaintext: matches if the location is in any noted cuboid.
"ellipsoid" plaintext: matches if the location is in any noted ellipsoid.
"polygon" plaintext: matches if the location is in any noted polygon.
"chunk_flagged:<flag>": a Flag Matchable for ChunkTag flags.
"area_flagged:<flag>": a Flag Matchable for AreaObject flags.
Area note name: matches if an AreaObject note that matches the given advanced matcher contains the location.
If none of the above are used, uses WorldTag matchers.
GroupObject System